Student Council
The Student Council is a democratically elected body of students who embody the school values of Work Hard, Be Kind and Make a difference. The student council is coordinated by Miss Pollard and attended by school governor Jane Macholl.
The aim of which is to express the opinions and views of the student body in a forum that will allow the school to move forwards and make improvements for the students' learning and well being. The Student Council also undertakes projects to help develop the school and to make a difference to school life.
The School Council has a meeting approximately twice a half term. The main meeting allows students to express their views on how to further develop learning and students wellbeing. The student Council are then given different projects to work on over the half term which allows them the opportunity to change within the school with the support of their tutor groups.
Each Tutor Group elects a representative who attends the meetings to pass to the Council all matters that Tutor Groups have discussed. The meetings are chaired by House Captains and Deputy House Captains. All matters that the Council raised are then shared with the Headteacher and the staff by the Student Council Coordinator.