special educational needs & disabilities
The Head of SEND is Mr Jason Illingworth
The SEND department at Broadwater School is the largest department in the school and is made up of teaching assistants, an admin assistant, teachers, a Head of Centre for the COIN Centre and a SENCO. Whilst the Head of the COIN Centre and the COIN team are active members of the whole SEND team at Broadwater they also form a discrete area-wide provision for 30 students with an EHCP that specify Speech Language and Communication Need as a primary area of need.
The SEND Department's aim is to meet the special needs of all students who are on the SEND register and this is done using a number of interventions including small group and 1-2-1 literacy teaching, small group and 1-2-1 Social Skills work, ELSA (emotional support sessions), exam access arrangements with readers, scribes or extra time, specialist dyslexia 1-2-1 lessons and liaison with Surrey County Council’s support services. We also use our team of TAs to support some students in mainstream lessons.
The progress of all students with SEND is extremely important and as a result it is monitored and discussed every term in a SEND Support Review Panel. Parents are then informed of the interventions that their child will be receiving once the panel has been held and decisions have been agreed regarding how to best support students.
The same expectations and targets that are set for non-SEND students are set for students with SEND; that they should achieve a positive progress 8 residual. This progress is reviewed by the Head of Centre, the SENCo and the Head of Broadwater School to ensure continuing improvement in the delivery of Special Needs education.
All members of staff at Broadwater School, not just the SEND department, understand the importance of supporting students on the SEND register and they share equally the responsibility of delivering a differentiated curriculum. This inclusive approach sees all staff demonstrate great skill and empathy in their day to day dealings with students who have additional and special educational needs and as a result students with SEND often achieve a very successful career at Broadwater School.
If you would like more information about any issues related to Additional and Special Educational Needs please feel free to contact the Head of SEND, Mr Jason Illingworth, via 01483 520637 or email jillingworth@broadwater.surrey.sch.uk
For information about admission criteria to for children with SEND please look at the Surrey County Council SEN placement criteria
Useful Websites and Contacts
Many organisations are available to give support to parents on a wide range of special needs issues. Some useful contacts are:
Surrey Local Offer - SEND Surrey
The National Association for Special Educational Needs (NASEN) www.nasen.org.uk
The Dyslexia Institute. Email: staines@dyslexia-inst.org.uk
The Helen Arkell Centre www.arkellcentre.org.uk
Partnership with Parents Email: pwp.ses@surreycc.gov.uk
Dyspraxia Trust Tel: 01462 454986
Hyperactive Children’s Support Group Tel: 01903 725182 (between 10am and 1pm weekdays)
Spelthorne Asperger Support Group 01784 455657 (Carole Liasi)
Surrey Young Carers Project Tel: 01737 248111
FAMILYLINE Surrey Tel: 0808 800 5678
This is a confidential helpline for all Surrey parents and can provide advice and information on a variety of issues.